About that Writers' Block...

I love to write. While I'm clearly not trained or a professional (I've had mad typos and my blog is on blogspot sis), it has been a passion of mine for a very long time. When I was a kid, I used to write these dusty ass short plays about ballerina's escaping their home town, or little black girls becoming billionaires like "Artemis Fowl" and even though most of them we're unfinished and like...bad, just the joy of creating characters and imagining a world that those characters exist was enough to get me through my late adolescence in the barren wasteland that is Hagerstown, Maryland. However, I have always had the same problems with my writing. They plagued me then and they haunt my blog now.

I frequently have writer's block and there are several factors that contribute to it. The most notable of these is that I spiral off-topic easily and when I finally realize what has happened, I'm so disappointed and disgusted with myself that I abandon the piece all together. And yeah, I know I sometimes find a way to pull it together, but if you read some of my other posts it's like one bitch started writing a sentence, put it down, and a different bitch picked it up and finished it for the first bitch. It's why my anime zaddy pieces, which were supposed to be fun fan-girling pieces, turned into information-based, well-researched, and cit-able sources on the complexity of what makes the average anime man attractive. That's no fun is it?  It's also why my Game of Thrones re-write was less "hahaha let's laugh instead of cry at what we lost" and more "I have completely blown D&D out of the water with my superior story-telling". Staying on topic and tone is hard and I'm a true flop at it.

Also, I have a job. Yes, I know it's shocking isn't it, but I do. I need to work to live and while I'm grateful to have a bag at all, my job is a huge source of writer's block. Of course, it's not because I'm a dutiful employee with tasks to do, but because my corporate environment and dull work kill almost any inspiration I may have. Nothing snuffs out a promising idea like the piercing burn of a fluorescent light over your head. Nothing crushes your spirit like remembering you have to give a presentation every Tuesday about the most boring thing you could possibly imagine. It sucks and a true ARTIST like me needs a conducive environment before I even THINK of writing.

Worst of all, ya girl just loses interest sometimes in what she's writing. I honestly can't explain it. It's like, when you haven't had pizza in a while and you order some to the house. Let's say you've had a long day at the office and you ran home to order this pizza. You're excited and you can't wait to eat it but then it takes too long to get there. You start calling the store, calling the outsourced corporate help desk and yet, nothing. You give up, resigned that your pizza isn't coming and you make a note to dispute the charge in the morning. You make a sandwich and that's good so you make three more and that serves as your dinner. You clean up and decide to go to bed when suddenly you hear a knock at the door. You go over and answer it and girllll it's the pizza! So you take it and set it on the table but you're already full. You don't want the damn pizza anymore and now, you have to figure out how to stuff it in the fridge, box included because you're too lazy to take it out. That's how I feel most of the time when I'm writing. Like I waited too long and now I'm stuffing my ideas in the fridge to hopefully eat later. It sucks and if you have any solutions please, I'm all ears.

All of this isn't to make excuses or even give up writing but so much goes into blogging that I wasn't prepared for. Sis, it's hard but ultimately so rewarding that I couldn't imagine quitting just yet. And even if I flop, I'm glad to have this blog because imagine the sick, corporate drone I'd be without it? Anyway, the best way to get over something is to rant for entirely too long about it so, consider this a rant beloveds.


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