"Submission" and Why Y'all are Delusional

Truthfully, I'm not a social media/celebrity antics blogger or at least I don't want to be. I don't think it's worth my time and to be quite honest, I would suck at it and y'all know that. The idea that I would research people who have no business being famous in the first place, sit my ass down, and put my time and effort (because this DOES take effort) into writing about "whose baby mom's is smashing who" or "which influential politician was exposed for doing blackface today" makes me SICK. It makes me physically *blerrrrgggggghhh* and as long as there is anime and teen murder mystery romance dramas left in the world to watch, I will always have more important things to write about. HOWEVER, I am a human woman in 2019 with a twitter, which means from time to time, I'm gonna see some shit that not only earns my attention and disgust but fills me with so much annoyance and cringe that I have no option but to write out my feelings to get some release. Recently, it has been this business with Fantasia and her husband and boy oh boyyyy, I have thoughts.

First, you are allowed to have your marriage any which way you want. If you want a completely equal partnership where everything is split evenly down the middle, you can do that. If you want to sit around and be chased and pampered all day like Penelope Pussycat then you can do that. You can do whatever and no one should have a say in how you live... unless apparently, you are a black celebrity woman telling other women to submit to their men or you will be single until the end of time and this is my problem. No one is telling these women how to live but they insist on harassing us with their hotep hell advice and causing the women unfortunate to come into their message to suffer from secondhand embarrassment and general dustiness. It's condescending and they never fail to shame another woman to justify why they have chosen their lifestyle, which comes off more as them trying to justify it to themselves then to us, which brings me to my second point.

It's nonsense. Especially coming from these women, who despite being less privileged in our society because they are black women, are still rich and are afforded the privileges of wealth. A lot of these women, for whatever reason, have managed to find men with less to offer them than most other men. These men, do not have goals or ambitions (other than spending their wife's money), do not have employment, and often have not accomplished anything. I don't know if they don't care because they're rich and they'll be fine regardless BUT, how in the hell do you "submit" to a man you give an allowance to???? Let's pretend for a second these gender roles are not horribly outdated in our changing world and brutal capitalist hellscape economy. In that scenario the woman, if she is being "good", is supposed to be "submissive". But she's also afforded the ability to not have to work, to not have to worry about bills, and to focus on things like childrearing and home-making, while the man would work and provide. How do you justify working, paying the bills, tending the home, and then coming home to be "submissive" to a man that isn't doing any of those things. The roles aren't even switched because "men don't do women's work". He is literally just... there. Like... am I missing something because that sounds like indentured servitude. You are a serf and he is a brutal landowner that has you tied to the land for the rest of your life. Not only is that actually insane, it's also exploitative and something like that shouldn't be encouraged. Of course, I don't know what goes on in that household but I'm truly worried for Fantasia because we've seen this before. We've seen so many celebrity black women squeezed like wet rags and then cheated on, left, and basically robbed and truth is, I'm tired.

Even writing about this is exhausting. I'm honestly struggling to finish this but only because it's very sad to see this pattern begin with another successful, beautiful, and talented black woman. Of course as I am now the only thing I'll ever submit is an assignment but I don't know what the future holds. I don't know what delusion could take hold of me as I grow older and honestly it's terrifying to think about. I may not always be this rigid in my beliefs and it seems as though the more successful I become the more likely I'll end up this way, given the trend.


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