Why You Should (Shorty): The Disastrous Life of Saiki K.

Saiki Kusuo is the strongest anime protagonist of all time, with an ever-growing list of greek god like abilities that in comparison, makes the abilities of other popular protagonists look like neat party tricks. You know that tired ass "Who would win in a fight, Goku or Superman?" argument that all the dusties in 2012 would always debate on twitter? Well, the answer is Saiki and it isn't even close. The entire fabric of the universe in which Saiki exists is being bolstered and supported by his abilities and if nothing else, you need to watch this anime just to get an understanding of what he can do. From casual time travel to all and any form of telekinesis you can imagine, it is so much fun to watch someone so OP do virtually nothing but navigate high school with his power. Truly a ROMP, if I do say so myself. Also, for my fellow shonen heads let's not act dumb. Watching strong ass characters become OP over time is half the reason we love these shows and since Saiki grows more OP to the audience every episode by simply revealing his powers then there is no reason you for you not to watch. Period. Also, the supporting cast of characters are so cute and charming and ughhhh my sweet babies. I'm keeping this short because honestly, I fell in love with the dub and they haven't dubbed past season 1 so I haven't seen past season 1 (yep, I'm that petty) but I love season 1 enough to say that it's definitely worth your watch and it's on Netflix so anytime you wanna take a break from rewatching Stranger Things season 1, it's right there.


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